Each room in this dungeon was created on the Epic Levels Mad Dungeon Podcast. Check back every week as we continue to update and add rooms to the Mega Dungeon.
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Celebratory Configuration

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Rob Bellury, Steve Albertson, Zach Cowan
This cyberpunk room is quartered into red, blue, green & yellow sections, and is cluttered with discarded tech trash. A hoarding gremlin is organizing it all by color.
In the center of the room is an infernal Tandy 1000 computer with a robotic hand on the back holding the Floppy Demonic Discus. Insert the Discus and the computer will turn on with text reading: “Would you like to play? y/n”
The game: The computer will show a random sequence of ten images (Apple=red, Sun=yellow, Frog=green, Water=blue). When you return it’s always +1 image. PCs must stand in a colored quadrant and say the color of the item in the sequence. Fail: get shocked for 1hp. Succeed: glow sticks fly out of the computer screen and wrap around the PCs necks, healing all damage and raising morale as cenobite party imps appear and throw you a bangin’ party.
Appendix N: Hellraiser, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Videodrome, Simon (game)
Shrine of the Technosaurus Rex

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Rob Bellury, Steve Albertson, Zac Goins
This room is covered in thick, sloppy, dripping layers of colorful paint. Each wall has a massive throbbing orifice that’ll occasionally spray a deluge of paint into the room. In the center of the room is a mound of paint covering long-dead cyber-sloths cultists, reaching to pull the lever that summons the T-Rex. An eldritch dial surrounding the lever can be moved to change the orifice liquids, 99% chance it’s paint.
Under the layers of paint, in a corner is a see-through gun-locker filled with magic acetone that’ll destroy paint and drain the color from anything. On the walls, under the paint, are the instructions on using the dials and summoning the T-Rex.
The T-rex is actually a painting service that’s violently malfunctioning, but can be fixed. It has a bite, stomp, tail whip and a harvestable tongue that’s a wand of paint spraying. If you are hit, save or suffer the following conditions: Yellow Bile: Stinks & sickens. Cyan Slow: Depression. That’s why they call it the blues. Black Slick:- Slippery like a grease spell. Magenta Brain Addle: Discuss your latest art project.
Appendix N: Axe Cop, Evil Dead 2, Ninja Turtles
Ichor Heart of War-Den

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, John “Hambone” McGuire
This swampy room comes to life when you enter the chamber. Veins move black ichor throughout these walls and ceiling made of flesh and machine. Sprinkles of black ichor fill the room, making it difficult to breathe. The floor slants toward the center like a bowl, shifting and popping you into the air towards War-Den (Dex save).
War-Den is a 10-ft., sentient, beating robot heart of black diamond who’s spewing noxious fumes into the air. A legendary, emerald skull hovers above them. Their veiny, needle-tipped tendrils attempt to pump you full of the black ichor to turn you into a pollutor.
Pollutors are War-Den’s hive-mind cyborgs created to expel toxic fumes from their robotic parts to terraform the planet. Pollutors will always come to the aid of War-Den, especially if they or their emerald are taken.
If injected by War-Den:
Round 1: 1d6 damage as metal debris grows out of you.
Round 2: You’re changed into a pollutor and are forever connected to War-Den and other pollutors.
Appendix N: Ferngully, Thunderball, Face/Off, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Day of the Dead, Hellraiser 2, Wizard of Oz, Blade, Contra (NES), KISS (band), Mastermind (X-Men),
Vainglory Hole

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Thorin Thompson
This room is bisected. On one side is a washroom with three magic mirrors promising a better you. Mirror 1 (Charm Hole): Shows you with great charisma, beautiful, a leader. Mirror 2 (3rd Eye Hole): Shows you with a 3rd eye in your forehead and with infinite cosmic power. Mirror 3 (Power Hole): Shows you with massive muscles and dexterous ability. None of the mirrors do what they promise.
There’s a stand that’s holding instructional pamphlets on how to use the magic mirrors and their benefits. A lock box labeled “tips” is there for you to leave some money, but it’s trapped with a slime shotgun if you attempt to steal the money. A wash basin filled with stinging salty water has a sign that reads, “Rinse after using the mirrors.”
Unbeknownst to the PCs, on the other side of the wall is a gremlin beauty salon. When you push your face through the mirror, it sticks to the magic material, tears off your face, then drops your slimy face into a face-goo container that the gremlins use as a beauty product. The gremlins simply continue cutting hair and gossiping about the dungeon.
Appendix N: The Fly, Game of Thrones, Robocop, Beerfest, Two Face (Batman), Toxic Avenger, Lovecraftian Mi-Go, Tomb of Horrors, Charles Atlas comic ads, The Frighteners, Nightmare on Elm Street,
Flail Milk

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Justin Sirois
This Flail Milk factory houses Crystal Shit, a three-headed cow beast who’s fused to the floor.
Neighbor Head: Their extendo-neck ends in one of the player’s actual neighbors’ head. It wears its utters like a jester’s cap, producing household cleaning products as milk.
Robo-Head: This cyber-head controls one spindly arm with utters in their armpit. Its milk powers the Tin Cuppers, and recharges batteries. They grow new minions in small birthing sacs.
Cow Head: She produces rage milk, throwing the drinker into a barbarian rage. Gaze attack, save or attack the closest person to you who isn’t Crystal Shit.
Tin Cuppers: These tin cans with handles fill themselves up with milk from the teats and bring it to vats in each of three corners, where it is sent through tubes to other parts of the dungeon.
Flail-Static Joe: This jumbotron A.I. hangs from the ceiling making sure that milk production and deliveries are happening on time. A lightning flail drops menacingly from it to ward off danger or discipline the workers. A mounted control panel can slow down or stop production, but that’ll make Joe mad.
Appendix N: Alien franchise, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Dune, A Clockwork Orange, The Wizard of Oz, Mutant Crawl Classics, Paranoia RPG, The Dead Milkmen, Total Recall, The Tick, Futurama, Cuphead
Ricksanthemum Garden

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Brendan LaSalle
A field of flowers obscures a mysterious smoking chasm. Save when you enter the room or you’re compelled to descend into the chasm to feed Rick all your good vibes. Veiled in the mist are carnivorous plants that’ll attack if you try any shenanigans. Opening two doors will air out the room and break Rick’s spell for everyone in the room.
Flower list: Deadly Peonies, Flaming Asters, Iron Roses, Orange Orchids, Tripping Daisies & Ugly Poppies. Wear the correct 3 flowers (orange, ugly & tripping to spell “OUT”) to counteract Rick’s smoke.
In the depths of the chasm is Ricksanthemum floating above a pyramid bouquet. He’s a hovering cow-skull demon with a unibrow, adorned with evil vines and flowers. Pheromone smoke billows from his eyes, mouth & flowers. Rick wants you to sacrifice yourself to him by staying here forever, sharing the beauty of the world. Once you’re under the thrall, vines lovingly entwine with you until you’re mulch. There’s some nearly dead folks that love being here.
Appendix N: Georgia O’Keeffe, Aphrodite, Bacchus, Midsommar, The Wizard of Oz, ikebana (Japanese flower arranging), Mastermind (game), The Gate, Little Shop of Horrors, Super Mario Bros.
Idon’tcaribou and the Igloo Warriors

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Rob Bellury, Steve Albertson
This barn is missing two walls. Outside is an infinite tundra of icy conditions, swirling wind, snow and frosty grass. Inside are lofts with hay and stalls containing normal caribou. Broken-off antlers litter the floor. A coat rack next to the door has fur-lined parkas that give you advantage against ennui and cold damage.
A massive igloo with smaller crunchroach igloos all over it is in the center of the room. This is the turtle-like shell of the Idon’tcaribou, a dire beast with antlers growing out of it in all directions. It gores with its antlers, which break off and immediately grow back in a new shape. It shoots freeze rays from his eyes and has a 10-foot aura of ennui that’s linked to the cold (crunchroaches are immune).
Crunchroachs are tiny insectoid igloo warriors in furs with harpoons and shields. They swarm to create shapes like a hammer or a big hand that deals cold damage. If hit, roll for a location on your body and that part is frozen. This sentient community of crunchroach warriors have a symbiotic relationship with the Idon’tcaribou. Captain Crunchroach is their leader.
Appendix N: Lost Boys, Snowpiercer, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Mr. Freeze (Batman)
Spudlings’ Secret Garden

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, David Lapp
This old retired couple are root vegetable monsters with poisonous tendril whips. He’s a potato in a speedo. She’s a carrot in a bikini. They’re cooking flayed skin underneath a huge heat lamp that deals UV damage to unprotected skin. They’re lounging in Adirondack chairs, basting the skin until it’s ready to eat. Around the chairs are the bodies of skinned adventurers. They feed their poison into beach umbrellas that occasionally spray the room with a poisonous mist.
This beachy room is their dream retirement spot where they construct pre-packaged and branded Spudlings’ Snack Traps for sale. Their workbench contains tools and a wide variety of deadly things like knives, spikes & acid.
Each wall has a “torture” device that they love to use, but would damage you. One wall has flailing, poisoned whips. A shotgun wall fires salt and birdshot. One wall is a cheese grater, and they sleep on a bed of nails. There’s a printing press in the corner where they make fliers advertising their traps. The only way into this room is through a secret entrance.
Appendix N: Indiana Jones, Hellraiser, The Penguin (Batman), 7 Eleven hot dog rollers,
Diesel Djinn

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Luke Gygax
This gasoline-soaked airplane hanger hosts a clunky rocket pack that’s oozing diesel. Pull the ripcord (str check) to call forth Jason Sludgetham, an oozing Earth djinn (gasoline subtype) who powers the rocket pack and is always connected to the exhaust pipes. He wants nothing more than to be set free with a wish.
Complete his obstacle course to attune to the rocket pack, and he’ll grant you 3 wishes. 1) Fly through hoops that get smaller. 2) Pick up the heavy crate and deliver it to a high scaffolding. 3) Dead drop, cut off the engine to land on a small pad close to the deadly ventilating ceiling fans.
Born of the corrupted rocket pack, this room is guarded by one large, mischievous, flying diesel ooze whose drippings make tiny diesel oozes. The slightest spark ignites the room dealing fireball damage to everyone inside, unless the ventilation is turned on.
Appendix N: Aladdin, The Rocketeer, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, Sludge (Malibu Comics), Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Savage Land (Marvel), One Thousand and One Nights, Wishmaster, The Transporter, American Ninja Warrior, Angel Heart, Alien 3, Ghostbusters,
Nakenben’s Court

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Johan Nohr, Pelle Nilsson
A cultist wearing a flayed skin cloak is posted at the door to warn you to not enter these sacred chambers. This desolate, muddy field is filled with webs of sinew and obscuring smoke. Slowly swaying discarded skin suits cover small smoking volcanoes, facing the altar as though at worship. Inhaling the smoke causes you to start throat singing.
Throat-legs stretch from the ground leading to an organic sculpture of Nakenben sitting on a raised altar. Offering a sacrifice will reveal the true Nakenben. You might be an unwitting sacrifice. The spider god Nakenben has eight heads with long, singing throats for legs. Each head eats bodies whole, stripping them down to their naked bones, and leaving holy relic bone-scrolls covered in glowing sigils.
They process the following bones to contain spell-like abilities: skull = confusion / rib = suffocation / femur = berserker rage / radius & ulna = haste / clavicle = enfeeble / hammer, anvil, and stirrup = deafening / horn = fire breath & fire immunity / spine = mind control puppeteer (area effect). Break the bone to cast the spell.
Appendix N: The Hu (Mongolian metal), WWI, Smokey and the Bandit, The Thing,
Gross-o-matic 4000

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Brian Shutter
This steam-powered Rube Goldberg machine takes up the whole room. Insert one gold coin to receive a plastic capsule, but watch out for the giant axe. Instructions on the wall: To reset the machine, summon Cluckstohpeles “The Demon Feather of Dusseldorf.” He’ll only come once an hour.
D12 prizes: 1) Sea monkey spores. 2) Baby gelatinous cube. 3) Xeno egg. 4) Ogre snot. 5) Stretchy sticky-tongue frog. 6) Savage Barbarians trading cards. 7) Ear spider. 8) X-Ray Spex. 9) Reverse mermaid worms. 10) Scratch & sniff diaper stickers. 11) Painful temporary tattoo of hideous monster hula girls, actually permanent. 12) Cyclops eyeball in blood brine.
Hans Von Hosenscheißer: This simple farmhand works hard, saves his money and plugs every coin he makes into this machine. He has lots of items and is willing to trade, but the only thing he wants is the Savage Barbarians’ Dolf Brazenstein card to grant him courage to ask his true love on a date.
Appendix N: Katamari Dimasi, Warhammer 40k orcs, Homies, Beanie Babies, Polyester by John Waters, Russian prison tattoos, The Princess Bride,
Kibo’s Corner of Eclectic Treasures

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Matt Johnson
This pawn shop & apothecary has odds and ends hanging on the walls. Glass counters hold the valuable items. The most expensive item here is a lightsaber keytar. A jar filled with teeth hangs from a ribbon with a sign that says, “Guess how many teeth!” Guess correctly and get a free psychic reading from the proprietor Kibo, guess wrong and one of your teeth teleports into the jar. There’s a separate room where the proprietor Kibo reads fortunes with a deck of coffin-shaped cards.
Kibo, The Failing Hope: She wears a cybernetic asthma mask over her pug face. Her large bulbous eyes look in opposite directions. Her lower torso has been replaced with metal spider legs. She exudes a breathy femme-fatal energy, while still being motherly, yet is prone to random bursts of zoomie energy. Kibo fosters competition between her pups, and will send them on quests with customers.
Kibo’s puppies: These commerce-savvy pups have their own glass counters to sell their wares. Maggot Mouth (mastiff) sells diseased items. Scorched Bone (beagle) sells destruction items. Black Ribbon (rottweiler) sells death items. Double Power (dachshund) sells disaster items.
Appendix N: Dick Tracy (film), Star Wars, A Boy and His Dog, Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom (Short Round), Inspector Gadget, Wild Wild West, Toy Story, Clone Wars (Darth Maul)
Dungeon’s Got Talent

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Tony Vasinda
This crowded arena has three tiers and a large circular field with a lone microphone in the center. Posters of other champion finalists line the walls. The judges booth juts out from the center of the 2nd level.
Trap: A large cage drops over anyone around the microphone, and minotaurs drench you with bad blood to enrage Nightmare Folklore who emerges from the floor. Fight or out perform the jazz bull to score points with the judges. A minotaur jazz band accompanies the fight from an orchestra pit.
Nightmare Folklore: This giant, intelligent jazz bull has horns like saxophones. “Fighting is like jazz. You have to break tradition.” Timing is important against his sonic attack (damage & save or be deafened), but jazz has variable timing with his hoof stomping (haste or slow effect).
Judges: Matador Dave (the spiritual wizard), Thragg (long retired dungeon delver with sorrowful eyes), and Labyrinth Larry (makes mazes for the local newspaper) each have a red buzzer they hit when they don’t like something. Survive and impress the judges, and they’ll invite you back for the finals. Winner gets a ring of three wishes.
Appendix N: Ferdinand the Bull, Taylor Swift, Lionheart, Kick Boxer, Spiderman (Sam Raimi), Birdman (2014), “Devil Went Down to Georgia” by Charlie Daniels Band, Batman (60’s TV show), Carrie
Dance Dungeon

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Keith Matejk
Water tubes line massive mirrored walls to power the water wheel torture machine. This device has a lever that goes from “little jig” to “dance machine.” Tethers connect goblins to the machine and Lockwork Goblin.
Lockwork Goblin: This colossal goblin-shaped golem, made of thousands of locks of all types, has exterior ledges and steps to climb it if you’re agile enough. It’s lonely and wants friends, so it violently brainwashes goblins with the machine to be its pal and perform dance numbers. In the center of its torso is a prison cell containing goblins pleading for you to save them. Its forehead contains a vault door that leads to emotional baggage and gold. It has hundreds of scraggly teeth that are one-use magic keys that’ll open any lock. When it swallows, it can decide whether the object goes to the head vault or the torso prison.
Dance Goblins: Converted goblins wear red thriller jackets, a lock necklace and are tethered by the head to the Lockwork Goblin. The tether is like an addiction, with strong withdrawals when detached. Rewiring works 100% on goblins, but has a 50% success rate for everyone else.
Appendix N: Princess Bride, viral video of prisoners dancing to Thriller in the Philippines Breakin’, Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, Inhumanoids (D’Compose), TNMT (Krang), A Clockwork Orange, Project MKUltra (secret government program), Willow, The Manchurian Candidate, Star Wars (Order 66), Shadow of the Colossus, Pulp Fiction.
Jewel of Jarnjeeves

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Brenda Ho
The Tomb: The self-mummified corpse of the turban-wearing mystic Jarnjeeves sits in meditation, holding a magic orb, at the top of a tall pedestal that’s surrounded by a treacherous and trapped staircase (false steps, spikes, turns into a slide, etc.). Jarnjeeves separated himself into two parts. The good part is the husk you see who made it to Nirvana. The evil Jarnjeeves is alive and trapped inside the orb. A menagerie of two-headed animals float in various orbits around the orb.
Jewel of Jarnjeeves: This grapefruit-size crystal sphere is extremely fragile, and if broken will release the evil wizard. Orb powers:
- Radiates a potent masculine fragrance that draws animals to its powerful aura.
- Ponder the orb to transform yourself into any animal, but it has two-heads.
- Ask the trapped evil wizard a question and he has to answer in a meaningful way.
- Dominate creature: target must save or their head tears into two halves (good/evil). They’re your minion until you make another minion. Only one at a time.
- Corruption: Using the orb is addictive. Prolonged exposure makes the user grow two heads (good/evil).
Appendix N: Beast Master, Sokushinbutsu, Conan, Pondering My Orb meme, Army of Darkness.
Crucible of the Chainslime

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Levi Combs
This primeval room of stone has jagged, ornamental spikes protruding from the floor, and a jar dispenser at each door. Hundreds of bulging, slimy polyps hang from the ceiling.
Inside a polyp: Roll a d6: 1) Green slime 2) Ochre jelly 3) Gak: makes you hallucinate that your friends are zombies and you’re on a game show. The rest are filled with a chainsaw wielding villain 4) Pot bellied butcher wearing your flayed face 5) Child-sized pig-headed creep 6) Foxy gogo dancer with a chainsaw leg.
Three spigots: Each gargoyle-faced spigot has a vat on top where you are to place a green slime, ochre jelly and gak respectively. When each vat is filled, turn the spigot’s massive stone wheel (strength check) to process the ooze. It moves through runic circle grooves into a crucible that builds a chainslime.
Chainslime: Stick a limb into the chainslime and it permanently attaches. This symbiotic chainsaw has a whirling blade of slime and three modes: green slime, ochre jelly or gak. This intelligent weapon psychically bonds to you and is your new little globby friend.
Appendix N: The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Winnie-the-Pooh (Eeyore), Beastmaster, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Army of Darkness, Dead by Daylight, Motel Hell, Mandy, Planet Terror, You Can’t Say That on Television, Hellboy, Cabin in the Woods, Spiderman (Venom & Carnage), Mangalores (Mangalore Mountain).
Mossy Mermeth Lab

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Ian McGurty
Eel Team Six, humanoid eels in full SWAT gear with assault rifles, are finishing their briefing to take down the cartel leader Mermethod Man. They explode a hole in the coral reef floor and repel down a greasy, lubed-up slide that leads to the mermeth lab. They’re coming in hot!
Mossy Mermeth Lab: The moss that grows on the walls here is being processed into the drug mossy mermeth. First hit gives the user a sense of euphoria and a haste-like ability. Second hit and save vs. overdose. Highly addictive. Tweaked out, sharp-toothed mermaids work in waist-deep water to make this dry narcotic powder. They will use bags of mermeth as ranged weapons.
Mermethod Man sits upon a golden throne on a dias/DJ booth that overlooks the work area. They have tentacle hair that sprays poison, an oozi in each hand that shoots slime like a grease spell, and their turntables have a sonic attack that can deafen the area and nullify magic.
Appendix N: YouTube video of an eel swarm eating pizza, The Little Mermaid (1989), Captain N: The Game Master (Mother Brain), Narcos, Earthworm Jim, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Sarlacc), New Jack City, Juice, Daredevil (series), Wu Tang Clan, Scarface.
Still Life of the Blue Demon Graffgoyle

Art: Tiger Wizard
Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Banana Chan
A blue graffgoyle sits on a stained couch holding the can of Blue Demon. Four bedecked pillars are each dedicated to his love of hip hop culture: turntablism, rapping, breakdancing and his favorite, graffiti.
Can of Blue Demon: This magical can of blue spray paint has six separate powers that are unlocked when the wielder tags a structure with a power word: LOCK (lock or unlock all the doors). SHOW (see the outlines of the people in the building like X-ray specs). PAL (someone in the structure acts as if they’ve been your close friend forever). LORE (knowledge of the building’s history). LOT (the power to cloud minds, the building’s there, but people can’t see it). HIVE (look through the eyes of a randomly determined occupant, and hear what they’re thinking. Jump to another person within sight). Instructions are written on the can.
Corruption: You slowly turn into a blue graffgoyle everytime you tag a power word. First, your spray paint finger turns blue, then your arm, then your entire body. You’re fully turned after 12 uses and now turn to stone in sunlight.
Appendix N: Taxi Driver, The Warriors, Escape from New York, Animals, Sex in the City, Dark Days (documentary), The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord of the Rings, The Shadow, The Gunslinger, Metal Gear Solid, Gargoyles (TV), Wild Style, Style Wars.