The Episodes
Mad Dungeon is a podcast where D&D hip hop group Epic Levels and a guest create a system-neutral, playable adventure location or go on the occasional Side Quest to talk about games.

MD 312 Season Finale – Goblin Kings and Popstars Sing – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 314 – Erik & Heidi Gygax Garland (GAXLAND, Egg Con) and Matt Forbeck (Marvel Multiverse RPG, Shotguns & Sorcery, Warhammer 40k, TSR)

MD 311 Enrique Iglesias Murder Dance Party – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 313 – Stephen Radney-MacFarland (Delve RPG, D&D, Pathfinder)

MD 310 Demon Dog & A Monarch Menace – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 312 – David “Zeb” Cook (TSR, D&D, AD&D, Conan Role-Playing Game)

MD 309 Balls: Crystal, Disco & Fire – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 311 – John “Hambone” McGuire (321 Action, Braineaters!, Vintage RPG podcast)

MD 308 Cursed Swords & Velvet Cords – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 310 – Banana Chan (Forgery, Jiangshi, Revenant Society, Chucky, The Darkness At The Brink Of Ohio)

MD 307 Goblin Guards & Credit Cards – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 309 – Elisa Teague (Marvel, The Crooked Moon, Surviving Strange Hollow, Gloomhaven RPG)

MD 306 Ducats & Deposits – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 308 – Luke Stratton (Pirate Borg, Limithron, Free League)

MD 305 Mutilations & Standing Ovations – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 307 – Sarah Moore (GenConTV, Formerly Feral Games, World of Chaldea)

SQ 306 Stefan Pokorny (Dwarven Forge, The Dwarvenaut, Starforged)

MD 304 AGAB: All Garys Are Bastards – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 305 Brigitte Winter (Scryptid Games, Against the Gloom, Psychic Trash Detectives)

Our guest this week is Brigitte Winter of Scryptid Games. Brigitte (she/her) is a writer, photographer,[...]

MD 303 City Streets & Spaghetti Treats – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 304 Mystic Punks RPG w/ Anthony Meloro and Jay Domingo

MD 302 Condos & Conspiracies – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 303 Luke Gygax (Gary Con, Founders & Legends, Gaxx Worx)

Our guest this week is Luke Gygax and we talk Founders & Legends (Mar. 15-20), Gary Con (March 21st-24th) [...]

MD 301 The Necropolis – Rise of the Vat Spawn (actual play)

SQ 302 Justin Sirois (GameFace Con, Severed Books & Toys)

This week we chat with Justin Sirois of Severed Books[...]

SQ 301 Mystic Punks RPG w/ Anthony Meloro and Jay Domingo

MD 241 Season Two #Dungeon23 Finale (Part 2) w/ Marc Miller, Shanna Germain, Chris Lindsay, Sean K. Reynolds

MD 240 Season Two #Dungeon23 Finale (Part 1) w/ Monte Cook, Mike Mason, Skip Williams, Jeff Richard, Joseph Goodman

MD 239 Hangin’ Sacks 5th Ave w/ Chris Prynoski (Titmouse, The Legend of Vox Machina, Mighty Nein)

SQ 209 PAX Unplugged 2023 Recap

MD 238 Sarguar Nardgar MacDuffin’s Chuckle Cottage w/ Amy Vorpahl (D&D, Dimension 20, Critical Role)

MD 237 Sashays & Shields w/ Justin Nauman (Tabletop Gaymers)

MD 236 Basilica of the Last Bout w/ Jacqueline Bryk (A Thousand Yards Of Lace, Vampire: The Masquerade 5e, World of Darkness)

MD 235 Sluggoth Love-Off w/ Alex Roberts (Star Crossed, For the Queen)

MD 234 Gold in the Blood w/ Max Moon (Abyss of Hallucinations, Twelve Years RPG)

SQ 208 Gamehole Con & Cabin in the Woods Con 2023 Recaps

MD 233 Fen of Frogore: Ooze, Booze and Canoes w/ Alex Kammer (Gamehole Con, Frog God Games, The End of Everything)

MD 232 Paper Pirates of the Renegade Heart w/ James D’Amato (One Shot Podcast, Campaign: SkyJacks, The Ultimate RPG series)

MD 231 Tiny Tarts with Big Hearts w/ Tyler Crumrine (Beak, Feather, & Bone, Claw Atlas) and artists David Hoskins, Erol Otus join us to judge our Best Dwarf Drawing Contest

MD 230 Cyber Sisyphus w/ Andrew Clayton (Foundry Virtual Tabletop)

MD 229 Book ov Blood & Fire w/ Luke Crane (Burning Wheel, Torchbearer, Mouse Guard, Miseries & Misfortunes)

MD 228 TacocaT Cafe w/ Matthew Grau (CthulhuTech, Gwar vs. Time, League of Legends)

SQ 207 Dragon Con 2023 Recap

MD 227 Gorm Gasher’s Nickels w/ Chris O’Neill (9th Level Games, Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying, Kobolds Ate My Baby)

MD 226 Cauldron of Sadness w/ Gavin Norman (Necrotic Gnome, Dolmenwood, OSE – Old School Essentials)

MD 225 Idea Pool w/ Joshua Therrien

SQ 206 Gen Con 2023 Recap

MD 224 Citrol the Star Troll w/ Darcy Perry (Duckquest, Star Hat Miniatures)

MD 223 Pool of the Acid Wasp w/ Gavriel Quiroga (Hell Night, Neurocity, Warpland)

MD 222 Changarro of the God Burrito w/ Levi Nunez (Loot the Body, Skate Wizards)

MD 221 A Brush with Death w/ Jarrett Crader (Space Penguin Ink, DCC, Troika!, Mothership, MÖRK BORG)

SQ 205 Magic the Hammering – BattleCards – Thunder Road: Vendetta

MD 220 Judgment of the Locktopus w/ Andre Novoa (Games Omnivorous, Mausritter, Frontier Scum)

MD 219 The Omega Slice w/ Joey Royale (Get Haunted Industries, Darkest Dice RPG, DCC – Ninja City & One of Us #1, Weird Heroes of Public Access)

MD 218 Mossy Mermeth Lab w/ Ian McGarty (Silver Bulette, Mutant Crawl Classics – MCC)

MD 217 Still Life of the Blue Demon Graffgoyle w/ Banana Chan (Forgery, The Revenant Society, Tiān Dēng, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall)

MD 216 Crucible of the Chainslime w/ Levi Combs (Planet X Games)

MD 215 Jewel of Jarnjeeves w/ Brenda Ho (Weird Works)

SQ 204 Evil Dead – Gavriel Quiroga (NEUROCITY – Colorblind Edition) – The Mall (Liminal Horror)

MD 214 Dance Dungeon w/ Keith Matejk (Thunderworks Games, Roll Player, Cartographers, Goblin Vaults)
Epic Levels Mad Dungeon: Just a taste!
Hello Adventurers! This is a super short sampling of some quick fun moments from the Season 1 and 2 of the show. If the blend of interviews and content creation[...]

MD 213 Dungeon’s Got Talent w Tony Vasinda (PlusOneExp, Through The Void)

MD 212 Kibo’s Corner of Eclectic Treasures w/ Matt Johnson (Portents of the Degloved Hand, Raven Portents)

MD 211 Gross-o-matic 4000 w/ Brian Shutter (Neon Lords of the Toxic Wastelands)

SQ 203 Old School Essentials Box Set mega episode w/ Erol Otus, Gavin Norman (Necrotic Gnome), David Hoskins, Matt Kelley (Exalted Funeral)

MD 210 Nakenben’s Court w/ Johan Nohr & Pelle Nilsson (MÖRK BORG, CY_BORG)

SQ 202 Gary Con 2023 w/ Levi Combs (Planet X Games)

MD 209 Diesel Djinn w/ Luke Gygax (Gary Con, Gaxx Worx)

MD 208 Spudlings’ Secret Garden w/ David Lapp (7th Sea, Doomtown, Pine Box Entertainment)

MD 207 Idon’tcaribou and the Igloo Warriors

MD 206 Ricksanthemum Garden w/ Brendan LaSalle (Goodman Games, DCC)

MD 205 Flail Milk w/ Justin Sirois (Severed Books)

MD 204 Vainglory Hole w/ Thorin Thompson (Owl Knight Publishing, Goodman Games)

MD 203 Ichor Heart of War-Den w/ John “Hambone” McGuire (3,2,1…Action! Games, Vintage RPG)

Ichor Heart of War-Den: This swampy room comes to life when you enter the chamber. Veins move black ichor throughout[...]

MD 202 Shrine of the Technosaurus Rex w/ Zac Goins (WoGD – World of Game Design)

MD 201 Celebratory Configuration w/ Zach Cowan

MD 023 Necroprancer and the Mall Santa Massacre w/ Zach Cowan

SQ 040 Whamageddon – MtG: The Brothers’ War – The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31

SQ 039 Convoke – My Chivalric Bromance – Dungeon Crawl Classics

MD 022 Meowmodon Cave w/ Diogo Nogueira (Primal Quest, Halls of the Blood King)

SQ 038 Dragonflight – Mystic Punks – Song Stump

SQ 037 Würmfest – Tacticus – COD:MWII

SQ 036 Marauders – Mass Effect – Blights ov the Eastern Forest

SQ 035 Sidereal Confluence – Blood on the Clocktower – Shadow Under Devil’s Reef

MD 021 El Malört Conspiracy w/ Amelia Antrim (Character Creation Cast, Ennies Judge)

SQ 034 Gamehole Con – Charlie Brown Cthulhu – Glimmering Crypt of the Ioun King

SQ 033 Screams Amongst the Stars – The Dead are Coming – Running out of Time

SQ 032 Wrath of the Lich King – D&D 5E – Isle of the Plangent Mage

SQ 031 Kolb’s Oz – Dominaria – TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge

MD 020 Song of the Shriekfrapp w/ Erol Otus (Legendary artist at D&D, TSR, DCC, MtG, OSE)

SQ 030 Shadow of Mordor – Miniature golf – Clash Royale

SQ 029 WoW pizza – Plangent Mage – Monty Python

SQ 028 Dragon Con recap – RuneQuest – Cosplay

SQ 027 Sabbath – Spelljammer – Dragon Con

SQ 026 Teamfight Tactics – Electric Bastionland – Luke Gygax

MD 019 Head Kicker! The Musical w/ Brian Shutter (Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland)

SQ 025 Darkest Dungeon – Trails – D&D Honor Among Thieves

SQ 024 PUBG – Neon Lords – Big Eye Chungus

SQ 023 Stacklands – Campy Creatures – Land of Eem

MD 018 The Witch of the Waves w/ Ed Greenwood (The Forgotten Realms, D&D, TSR)

SQ 022 Castle Amber – Scythe – Funeral Camp

SQ 021 CabinCon – NTRPGCon – MomoCon

MD 017 The Heal World w/ Brian Colin (Vast Grimm)

MD 016 Blood Mud w/ Alyssa Faden (fantasy cartographer)

MD 015 Sword Art Island w/ Ginny Loveday (Designer’s Den, D&D Adventurers League, MomoCon)

MD 014 Prince of the Carrion King w/ Matt Kelley (Exalted Funeral)

MD 013 NekroBarge of Pawlee the Elder Lich w/ Keith Baker (Eberron, Twogether Studios, The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance)

MD 012 Scapulator and the Tithe of Gains w/ Grant Howitt (Honey Heist, Spire, Heart)

MD 011 The Worm that Glows w/ Jenna Marie (Chaotic Click Clacks)

MD 010 MekaVoid MotoKvlt w/ Levi Combs (Planet X Games)

MD 009 Iron Dwarves + Fairy Dust w/ Andrew Kolb (Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting)

MD 008 LAW & ORC-DER w/ Tim Kask (TSR, OD&D, Dragon Magazine, Curmudgeon in the Cellar)

MD 007 Stacie Stardust and the Dimension Boppers w/ Winston Ward (Infinite Worlds Magazine)

MD 006 The Ripening: Race for the Super Citrus w/ Mason Grant (Gamma Wave Games)

MD 005 Jungle Cult of the Dragon Monkey w/ Zach Cowan (Mad Dungeon producer)

It’s Dramomas, the winter[...]

MD 004 Skin Thief of the Half-Buried Titan w/ Jeremy Deram (People Them with Monsters)

SQ 002 Galactic – Hugh Grant – Surprise
Welcome to our Side Quest. We take a break from crafting dungeons, and chat about the hot topics. This week we discuss the games we have been playing,[...]

MD 003 Jelly Pope w/ Nikki Johnson (Slaydies ATL)

MD 002 Tower of Slime with Jay Domingo (Mystic Punks)

SQ 001 Mystic – Tech – Points
Welcome to our Side Quest. We take a break from crafting dungeons, and chat about the hot topics. This week in the news, we discuss how the Pandemic[...]

MD 001 #CancelSatan w/ Anthony Meloro (Mystic Punks)

Welcome to Epic Levels and the Mad Dungeon podcast
The Mad Dungeon podcast has two formats. First, members of Epic Levels and a guest from the RPG community create a system-neutral, playable one-page adventure map using improv, comedy, and[...]