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You’re hired by the president to kidnap his daughter who’s joined a mechanized space-biker kvlt run by a genocidal techno-squid that’s turning organic worlds into cyber hellscapes.
This week’s guest is Levi Combs of Planet X Games. His latest project RAYGUNS & ROBUTS, a rules-light retro atomic-sci-fi RPG zine, is on Kickstarter now. Purchase his other projects at Exalted Funeral:
Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride (5E & DCC Compatible)
An Occurrence at Howling Crater (5E)
Escape from Skullcano Island (5E)
Glimmering Crypt of the Ioun King (5E)
The Phylactery #1 (zine)
The Phylactery #2 (zine)
The Phylactery #3 (zine)
Magic & Shit (zine)
Follow Levi Combs: Website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
RAYGUNS & ROBUTS is an all-new, high-quality FULL-COLOR zine from Planet X Games that focuses on retro science fiction roleplaying in a galaxy menaced by killer ROBUTS (yes, ROBUTS – it’s just more fun to say it that way!), slimy, green space aliens and a rogue’s gallery of super-scientists and evil geniuses! Every page has the heart and feel of the old school atomic sci-fi movies, serials and stories that we grew up loving so much and the rules are light enough that it can easily be adapted to any OSR or rules-light RPG setting. If you’ve ever played the first edition of the world’s most popular RPG or any of its retro-clones, the rules in RAYGUNS & ROBUTS will be very familiar to you.
RAYGUNS & ROBUTS is a universe filled with galactic space rangers and square-jawed heroes zipping across the phlogiston, with a jet pack strapped to their back and a raygun in hand. A setting where killer ROBUTS run rampant in a galaxy-wide rebellion and alien threats bent on bringing the galaxy to its knees hatch their diabolical plots in an endless cycle. It’s a universe filled with strange alien worlds, futuristic technology, and bizarre super-science that man was never meant to possess. Ancient civilizations cling to long-dead moons and cosmic winds bear strange tidings from beyond the pale. Hyperspace lanes span the galaxy, inhabited by genocidal space-pirates ready to loot your starship and enslave your crew. It’s a vast galaxy of proud warrior races, dogmatic alien lifeforms and technological intelligences that can turn hostile at a moment’s notice!
Thanks for listening to the Epic Levels Mad Dungeon podcast, where D&D hip hop group Epic Levels and a guest create a system-neutral, playable one-page adventure map using improv, comedy, and lifetimes wasted on roleplaying games.
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The Epic Levels Mad Dungeon podcast is hosted by Andrew Bellury, Rob Bellury & Steve Albertson.
Produced by Zach Cowan.
Theme song by Epic Levels and beat by Inner Resting AKA Mason Grant who also makes tabletop games that you can purchase at Gamma Wave Games.
© 2021 Epic Levels. All characters in this adventure–even those based on real people–are entirely fictional.