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Our Guest this week is Luke Gygax of Gaxx Worx and Gary Con. We talk about the excitement behind this upcoming Gary Con. Andrew shares the story behind his d20 wrist tattoo that got on Gary Gygax’s passing. We talk Luke’s scenarios for his World of Okkorim campaign setting, The Heart of Chentoufi, The Eye of Chentoufi, and the upcoming Fate of Chentoufi. We talk Strange & Grimm RPG, made for Everyday Heroes RPG. We discuss Joe Manganiello’s upcoming Dungeons and Dragons documentary.
Luke Gygax is the son of Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax and Founder of Gary Con, a memorial convention held annually in Lake Geneva in honor of his father, Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. Luke literally grew up at the gaming table with the designers that built the foundation of the RPG industry. He played the iconic character Melf, aka Prince Brightflame, whose name has remained on spells from AD&D to today. He also play tested numerous iconic AD&D modules and games such as Star Frontiers, Dangerous Journeys and even Cyborg Commando, as well as created creatures like the bullywug all before he graduated high school.
Follow Luke at: website – IG – FB – Twitter
Follow Gary Con at: website – IG – FB – Twitter – TikTok – YouTube – Twitch
Sign up for games at Gary Con at
Diesel Djinn: This gasoline-soaked airplane hanger hosts a clunky rocket pack that’s oozing diesel. Pull the ripcord (str check) to call forth Jason Sludgetham, an oozing Earth djinn (gasoline subtype) who powers the rocket pack and is always connected to the exhaust pipes. He wants nothing more than to be set free with a wish.
Complete his obstacle course to attune to the rocket pack, and he’ll grant you 3 wishes. 1) Fly through hoops that get smaller. 2) Pick up the heavy crate and deliver it to a high scaffolding. 3) Dead drop, cut off the engine to land on a small pad close to the deadly ventilating ceiling fans.
Born of the corrupted rocket pack, this room is guarded by one large, mischievous, flying diesel ooze whose drippings make tiny diesel oozes. The slightest spark ignites the room dealing fireball damage to everyone inside, unless the ventilation is turned on.
Art: Tiger Wizard Words: Steve Albertson
Story by: Andrew Bellury, Steve Albertson, Luke Gygax
This episode is sponsored by Exalted Funeral, and we talk about Tangled, a level-0 funnel for Old School Essentials (OSE), with an old school video game visual vibe that can be played in 2-4 hours. Written by Josh Domanski, and Reilly Qyote the beautiful full wrap cover was illustrated by Luis Melo and the retro video game styled pixel artwork on the interior was created by Postmodern Ouroboros AKA Francisco Jimenez.
The outskirts of your hometown are being encroached upon by a writhing carnivorous tangle of bramble and vines and with the defense of your friends and family foremost in your thoughts you must venture into the heart of the tangle to put a stop to it.
Thanks for listening to Season Two of the Epic Levels Mad Dungeon podcast, where D&D hip hop group Epic Levels and a guest create a system-neutral, playable dungeon room using improv, comedy, and lifetimes wasted on roleplaying games.
Let us know if you run this or any of our other adventures and use the hashtag: #maddungeon
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The Epic Levels Mad Dungeon podcast is hosted by Andrew Bellury, Rob Bellury & Steve Albertson, and produced by Zach Cowan.
Theme song by Epic Levels and beat by Inner Resting AKA Mason Grant who also makes tabletop games that you can purchase at Gamma Wave Games.
© 2023 Epic Levels. All characters in this adventure–even those based on real people–are entirely fictional.